Where`d you go...I miss you so: Copilarie. Te dispretuiesc ca existi, ca ne inveti cum sa mergem pe bicicleta, ca ne inveti sa scriem, sa citim sa gandim. Te dispretuiesc pentru ca esti atat de frumoasa. Sunt geloasa pe puritatea ta ce nu o voi mai putea revendica niciodata.
Odata pleci de acasa cu prietenii, iti faci de cap ca un "om mare" uiti ca esti copil, te intorci acasa si constati ca acea entitate, acea copilarie a plecat suparata lasand vraiste totul in urma ei. Dar normal ca nu iti pasa. Te bucuri ca ai scapat de ea si totusi la un moment dat te trezesti strigand din senin : Please, come back home! Si nu se mai intoarce...atunci iti incatusezi contiinta obligand-o sa accepte ca e gata, ca a plecat si ca trebuie s-o uiti. O uiti in sfarsit si cand e totul perfect, iti amintesti... de pierderea aia din trectul tau pe care o regreti asa mult si suferi ca ai dat-o afara din sufletul tau si iti promiti ca n-o sa-i lasi pe copiii tai s-o faca, dar e prea tarziu. In zilele astea maturizarea apare din ce in ce mai devreme..cu toate astea, e bine. E bine ca acei copii ce se nasc si nu mai sunt copii din primul an de viata nu vor mai suferi aceasta pierdere. NU vor mai gusta din aceasta dulce miere a vietii, nu vor stii ca exista ceva mai bun ca viata de rutina ca adult...Copilarie, te vreau!
Odata pleci de acasa cu prietenii, iti faci de cap ca un "om mare" uiti ca esti copil, te intorci acasa si constati ca acea entitate, acea copilarie a plecat suparata lasand vraiste totul in urma ei. Dar normal ca nu iti pasa. Te bucuri ca ai scapat de ea si totusi la un moment dat te trezesti strigand din senin : Please, come back home! Si nu se mai intoarce...atunci iti incatusezi contiinta obligand-o sa accepte ca e gata, ca a plecat si ca trebuie s-o uiti. O uiti in sfarsit si cand e totul perfect, iti amintesti... de pierderea aia din trectul tau pe care o regreti asa mult si suferi ca ai dat-o afara din sufletul tau si iti promiti ca n-o sa-i lasi pe copiii tai s-o faca, dar e prea tarziu. In zilele astea maturizarea apare din ce in ce mai devreme..cu toate astea, e bine. E bine ca acei copii ce se nasc si nu mai sunt copii din primul an de viata nu vor mai suferi aceasta pierdere. NU vor mai gusta din aceasta dulce miere a vietii, nu vor stii ca exista ceva mai bun ca viata de rutina ca adult...Copilarie, te vreau!
2 comentarii:
Johnny Nica spunea...
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
She said "Some days I feel like shit,
Some days I wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit,"
I don't understand why you have to always be gone,
I get along but the trips always feel so long,
And, I find myself trying to stay by the phone,
'Cause your voice always helps me to not feel so alone,
But I feel like an idiot, workin' my day around the call,
But when I pick up I don't have much to say,
So, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
You know the place where you used to live,
Used to barbecue up burgers and ribs,
Used to have a little party every Halloween with candy by the pile,
But now, you only stop by every once and a while,
Shit, I find myself just fillin' my time,
With anything to keep the thought of you from my mind,
I'm doin' fine, I plan to keep it that way,
You can call me if you find that you have something to say,
And I'll tell you, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', no longer debatin',
Tired of sittin' and hatin' and makin' these excuses,
For why you're not around, and feeling so useless,
It seems one thing has been true all along,
You don't really know what you've got 'til it's gone,
I guess I've had it with you and your career,
When you come back I won't be here and you can sing it...
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Johnny Nica spunea...
buna piesa ai ales pentru aceasta postare:o3...e profunda